May 9-11, 2017 | Savannah, GA



North American Invasive Species Forum:

Building Cooperation Across Borders

Updated - April 27, 2017


Preconference Workshop (Monday, May 8, 2017)

Invasive Species Data Sharing for Effective Landscape Level Management

9:00 AM Why are we here?  Landscape-Level Management Needs - Doug Johnson, Cal-IPC
9:30 AM Successes and Continued Challenges in Sharing Invasive Plant Observations in the Midwest,  Mark Renz, University of Wisconsin
9:45 AM Developing Grand Challenges for Invasive Species Collaboration - Jeff Morisette, National Invasive Species Council Secretariat (remote)
10:00 AM Mexico Mapping/Data Efforts - Ana Isabel González Martínez, CONABIO
10:15 AM Discussion
10:30 AM Break


Case Studies

10:40 AM How Shared Data, Joint Databases, Cooperation and Coordination Assists in Invasive Species Management at a Local Scale: A Southern Illinois Case Study - Chris Evans, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
11:00 AM Colorado Deptartment of Agriculture - Lara Duran (remote)
11:20 AM EDDMaPs Ontario - A Public Outreach and Inter-Agency Collaboration Approach to Invasive Species Tracking - Kyle Borrowman, Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters
11:40 AM Utah Weed Mapping - A Case Study of State EDDMapS Implementation - Aaron Eagar, Jerry Caldwell, Rich Riding


12:00 PM Lunch
1:30 PM Data Integration to Support Modeling Efforts to Inform Invasive Species Management - Catherine Jarnevich, U.S. Geological Survey
2:00 PM The Benefits and Challenges of Engaging Citizen Scientists in Invasive Species Management and Research  - Alycia Crall, NEON
2:30 PM Discussion - Development of Data Sharing Accord and Workplan
5:00 PM Adjourn
5:30 PM Welcome Reception and Oyster Roast at Coastal Georgia Botanical Gardens


DAY ONE (Tuesday, May 9, 2017)

8:00 AM Welcome and Introductions - Chuck Bargeron, UGA
8:15 AM A State Cooperators Perspective Concerning International Invaders - Chip Bates, Georgia Forestry Commission


Canada, Mexico, and United States Response to Invasive Species – What Is Being Done, What Is Being Planned?

9:00 AM Mexico’s National Invasive Species Overview - Patricia Koleff, CONABIO
9:30 AM We Can Do This - A U.S. Perspective on Addressing Invasive Species - Jamie Reaser, National Invasive Species Council Secretariat
10:00 AM Canada’s National Invasive Species Overview - Kelly Torck, Environment and Climate Change Canada
10:00 AM Canada’s National Invasive Species Overview - Darlene Blair, Canadian Food Inspection Agency


 Early Detection and Rapid Response Capabilities in North America: Success Stories

10:30 AM EDRR Capabilities in North America - A U.S. Perspective on Building a National Incident Response System for Invasive Species - Stas Burgiel, National Invasive Species Council Secretariat (remote)
11:00 AM Canadian Success Story - Responding to the Detection of Asian Carps - Julia Colm, Fisheries and Oceans Canada
11:30 AM First Steps Toward an Early Detection and Rapid Response System for Invasive Alien Species Threatening Biodiversity in Mexico - Georgia Born Schmidt, CONABIO
12:00 PM Lunch Provided


What’s Being Done to Manage Invasive Species Through Collaboration, Cooperation, and Networking within the Three Nations?

1:00 PM North American Invasive Species Network - Chuck Bargeron
1:10 PM National Association of Invasive Plant Councils - Nancy Loewenstein
1:20 PM North American Invasive Species Management Association - Belle Bergner
1:30 PM Integrated Pest Management Centers - Joe LaForest
1:40 PM Collaboration, Cooperation, and Networking at the National Level - Rick Otis
1:50 PM Canadian Council on Invasive Species - Paula Noel
2:00 PM Aquatic Nuisance Species Task Force/Gulf and South Atlantic Regional Panel - James Ballard, Gulf States Marine Fisheries Commission
2:10 PM Collaborative Efforts to Prevent and Control Aquatic Invasive Species in the Great Lakes Region  - Erika Jensen, Great Lakes Commission
2:20 PM Discussion
2:40 PM Break


Addressing Risk and Interdicting Critical Pathways and Vectors for Invasive Species in North America

3:00 PM Prevention: Pathways and Vectors: Plant Pest Pathways- Faith Campbell, Center for Invasive Species Prevention
3:30 PM Aquatic Pathways- Pam Fuller, USGS
4:00 PM Collaborative Approach to Risk Assessment for Invasive Species Management in Ontario- Tracy Cooke, Invasive Species Center and Jeremy Downe, OMNRF
4:30 PM Canadian Food Inspection Agency: Plant Pest Pathways of Concern- Kristina Pauk and Wendy Asbil, Canadian Food Inspection Agency


5:00 PM Adjourn
5:30 PM Dinner at the Coastal Georgia Botanical Gardens


DAY TWO (Wednesday, May 10, 2017)

8:30 AM Coastal Georgia Botanical Gardens History and Welcome - Norman Winter, Executive Director, Coastal Georgia Botanical Gardens
9:00 AM

First Line of Defense for Invasive Species – Monitoring and Targeting Programs at the Ports - Kevin Harriger, U.S. Customs & Border Protection


Collaborative Research, Technology, and Emerging Science

9:30 AM DNA Barcoding in Mexico and Exotic Species - Manuel Elias
10:00 AM Break
10:15 AM Biological Control of Invasive Plants on Conservation Lands and Waterways in North America – What’s New, What Works, What’s Needed - Linda Nelson and Al Cofrancesco, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
10:45 AM Biological Control of Invasive Arthropod Pests – Meeting the Challenges through Collaborative Science - Peter Mason, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
11:15 AM Managing the Spread of Invasive Alien Plants in India - Scopes and Constraints - K.V. Sankaran, Former Director, Kerala Forest Research Institute
12:00 PM Lunch


CWMA's, CISMA's, PRISM's & TSN Clusters: How Local Partnerships Enhance Invasive Species Control and Ecological Restoration - The Stewardship Network May Webcast

This session will both be in-person at the North American Invasive Species forum and live-cast online through the Stewardship Network Webcast.

12:00 PM Introduction to webcast – Lisa Brush, The Stewardship Network
12:05 PM Introduction to CWMA, CISMA, PRISM, and TSN Partnerships – Chris Evans, University of Illinois Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences
12:15 PM Kevin Rohling, River to River CWMA
12:25 PM Sherry Williams and Erin Myers, Florida Invasive Species Partnership
12:35 PM Lisa Brush, The Stewardship Network
12:45 PM Q&A and panel discussion among panel


North American Invasive Species Strategy Session – What Can We Do Collectively Across North America?

1:30 PM Mapping Workshop Update - Mark Renz, University of Wisconsin
1:45 PM Non-native Forest Insect and Diseases in Mexico- Jorge Macias, Forest Health and Semiochemical Consulting
2:15 PM Harmonization of Plant Health Activities in North America - Stephanie Bloem, NAPPO
2:45 PM Break
3:15 PM Facilitated Discussions Sessions
5:00 PM Adjourn
5:30 PM Dinner at the Coastal Georgia Botanical Gardens


DAY THREE (Thursday, May 11, 2017)

Raising Awareness of the Invasive Species Threat – Marketing the Issue and Educating the Public

8:30 AM Don’t Move Firewood - Outreach for Professionals and the Public on Forest Pests and Pathogens- Leigh Greenwood, The Nature Conservancy
9:00 AM Play Clean Go- Susan Burks, Minnesota DNR
9:30 AM Clean Drain Dry Initiative and Prevention Innovation- Pat Conzemius, Wildlife Forever, Edgar Rudberg, and Mark Apfelbacher (remote)
10:00 AM Mexico´s Outreach Efforts on Invasive Species - Ana Isabel González Martínez, CONABIO


10:30 AM Break
11:00 AM Moving Forward / Next Steps / Future Meetings
11:30 AM Lunch for Field Trip Attendees
1:30 PM Field trips
5:00 PM Field trips end